Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Overhead squats

35#: 3,3,3
35#: 3,3,3
55#: 3,3,3 dropped it
50#: 3,3,3
50#: 3,3,3

*used the ball when squating

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


run 1 mile
300 squats
200 push ups (on knees)
100 pull ups (I did jumping)
finish with a mile run

Thursday, March 12, 2009


43:30 20 pull ups, 30 push ups, 40 sit ups, 50 squats, 3 minute rest/ 5 rounds

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Press- 50 lbs
Push P.- 60 lbs. (5 less than last time)
Push Jerk- 80lbs. (5 lbs more than last time but almost hurt my back, only did one)

So, I basically made no progress since last time. Disappointing. I did not eat breakfast before I came and I usually do...Or maybe Sam is interupting my workouts more than I realize... I don't know.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


1500m 6:51


15:10 thrusters really got me, although it is not terrible, diet could be better and would help

Saturday, March 7, 2009

5K on Thursday March 5th

38:14 running against the wind, mostly on the road, but some grass, beautiful day to run! Just cool enough to keep my jacket on and the sun was shining! I remembered my sunglasses and ipod! Perfect run!

Push Jerk Minute by Minute

9 rounds/minute with 57#


Forgot I already posted this one. Just found it on a piece of paper!

Press, Push Press, Push Jerk

Press- 45#, 45#, finished with 50 lb.
Push Press- 65#,65#, 65#
Push Jerk- 65#, 75, 75#